tstand backers use ipad holder for bed
As the final Tstand shipments continue to arrive at their destinations, we continue to receive amazing feedback from our Kickstarter backers. We are so thrilled to hear that the Tstand has made such a big difference in the way our customers use their iPads or tablets.

We have attained our ultimate goal of helping tablet users interact with their devices more comfortably and ergonomically. Now itโ€™s time to help us spread the word!

Here are some of the comments we’ve received from our Kickstarter backers:

“Love my T-Stand. One of my favorite campaigns. Well thought out and build quality is exceptional.” -Wayne Swindlehurst

“I have had my TStand for a week now and I am quite happy. I am typing this comment on my iPad using the stand now. Great job Sean!” -Rueshann Brantley

“I Love this thing! It’s awesome! Thank you for ALL that you went through to bring this to my lap” -Ninon Messina

“We received our Tstands last week. My wife and I love them! Was watching A-Team on Netflix last night without hands! ๐Ÿ™‚ Great job guys!” -Michael Hummer

“My dog would like to say great job on the TSTAND! Watching a video on my iPad on the TSTAND frees up my hand to give her belly rubs as she lays next to me. So, we are both happy with it.” -Rick Erickson

“Whether I’m sitting or laying prone, the tstand adjusts and conforms to a perfect angle, allowing me to view my Nexus 6 without any problem. -Tim Jacques

“Quality is excellent and we’re extremely pleased with how well they work. My wife is very happy with the flexibility it gives her (due to a neck injury) to be able use her tablet comfortably for extended periods wherever she chooses to settle. Thanks!” -Scott Myrden

“I’m very happy with my T-Stand – many thanks! :)” -Peter McDonald

“Just wanted to let you know I got my TSTAND yesterday and LOVE IT…….it is the best way I have ever tried to hold my iPad when playing games using a joystick.
Perfect job, thank you for all your work to make it happen!” -Roger Pack

“I have been a regular backer on Kickstarter, Indiegogo etc. since about 2 years or so. Almost all the things that I backed so far has been disappointing in the sense that the final product which is delivered either has many flaws or is way different than what is shown in the enticing promotional videos.
However I was pleasantly surprised when I got my t-stand. This is the first product ever that works 100% as advertised and is flawless in almost all sense. Great work by Sean and team. Wishing all the luck to the makers.” -Aprameya Bhat

“Just received my T Stand and I really like it. My neck seems better aligned while using this stand. Previously I was constantly looking down at my iPad and feeling like it wasn’t so great for my posture. Thanks.” -Peggy Grupp

“This was a gift for my wife who is an iPad addict. And she loves her Tstand. It’s attached to the iPad almost all of the time and follows her around the house. It’s made a big difference in how she uses the iPad because she doesn’t have to use pillows or other objects to elevate the iPad to a suitable viewing angle.” -Peter Yee